Dear Entrepreneur...
“ Learning About The Law Of Attraction And Getting An All Important Holistic Guide Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!”

Discover LOA - The Most Popular Personal Development Topic In Personal Development!


From the Desktop of <Marty Bostick>,

Dear Friend,

Let’s face it…. All people are surrounded by a thought atmosphere. . . Through this force we're either drawing in or forcing back. Like draws in like and…we draw in exactly what we have in mind.

The law of attraction, is the principle by which you draw into your life that which is in vibrational alignment with your awareness; your thoughts, feelings, opinions and attitudes, whether you're mindful of them or not. It's also the most popular personal development topic in personal development.

This is why the starting point on the road to successfully and deliberately manifesting your desires is to become aware of the thoughts and feelings that are producing your experience and to take responsibility for your reality.

Accepting responsibility for your life without judgment is both empowering and liberating. When you understand that you're source not subject of your existence, you are able to modify it.

Further more, when you realize that you're always backed up by an all-loving, intelligent universe that you're ever united with, you'll be able to allow and engage co-creation where synchronicities and serendipities burst, ”hows" are magically taken care of and issues in your life seamlessly woven into a tapestry of dreams come true.

Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase success in your life!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Law Of Attraction: A 20 Volume E-course!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that the law of attraction is the power of like attracting like and the means by which you magnetically materialize that which you center your attention upon and are in energetic balance with.

To apply the law of attraction successfully you will be required to become conscious of what‘s happening inside. You need to be aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that is what's creating the boundaries of your experience.

Which brings us to a very important aspect I must talk about here:

You Can Have Better Success In Business And Life If You Discover Law Of Attraction: A 20 Volume E-course!

People who struggle in business and life will find these things in common:

They don't know about understanding the big picture.
They have no idea about the reality mindset.
They are struggling with reality roadblocks.
They also don't understand how to seize opportunity.

They don't know how to attract real affection.
They don't understand might.
They have no clue about unison.
They don't know how to take command.
They don't know how to be brave.
Many more problems untold…

Well don't worry…

With the strategies that I’m about to let you in on , you will have no problems when it comes to learning how to be your best in every situation!


“Law Of Attraction:

A 20 Volume E-course”

Discover LOA - The Most Popular Personal Development Topic In Personal Development!


In this course you will learn all about:

LOA - Book #1

 An All Important Holistic Guide

34 Letter-Size Pages

The law of attraction is an absolute. It doesn't single out, it simply is. This implies it can work both for and versus you. To draw in what you want into your life you need to line up your heart and mind to the final result of your wishes, the juicy positive ideas and beliefs which palpably resonate and act as a magnet to those very goals.

This book will provide insight to LOA.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Imagination
Chapter 2: Desire and Manifesting
Chapter 3: Belief and Deserving
Chapter 4: Opportunity
Chapter 5: Co-creation
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #2

The Reality Mindset

29 Letter-Size Pages

Reality is the beginning precept of personal growth. We mainly grow as humans by discovering new realities about ourselves and our world. You'll surely learn some crucial lessons regardless how you live, but you are able to speed up your growth hugely by consciously looking for truth and intentionally rejecting untruth and denial.

This book will provide insight to the reality mindset.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Way You See It
Chapter 2: Anticipation
Chapter 3: Correct Judgments and Accepting
Chapter 4: Knowing Self
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #3

Reality Roadblocks

28 Letter-Size Pages

There are a lot of roadblocks that keep us from fully lining up with reality. They increase the probability of shaping inaccurate mental patterns.

This book will help you overcome the roadblocks.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Imagination
Chapter 2: Desire and Manifesting
Chapter 3: Belief and Deserving
Chapter 4: Opportunity
Chapter 5: Co-creation
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #4

Attracting Authentic Affection

28 Letter-Size Pages

Plainly affection is an emotion, but it's likewise much more than that. Among the key choices you face in each encounter is the choice to draw close or avoid. You are able to attempt to connect with individuals, or you are able to retreat from them. You are able to absorb yourself in your day's work, or you are able to dillydally. You may approach any individual, place, or thing with the aim to connect, or you may stay distant.

This book will provide insight to attracting true affection.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Connect
Chapter 2: Communicate
Chapter 3: Sharing
Chapter 4: Be Kind To Yourself
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #5

Affection Roadblocks

28 Letter-Size Pages

Particular issues may prevent you from easily forging fresh connections and intensifying your existing ones, holding you in a ceaseless state of disconnection. Here are a few of the most basic roadblocks that take you out of alignment with affection.

This book will remove the set backs in love.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Disconnected Mentality
Chapter 2: Dread of Being Declined
Chapter 3: Not Being Compatible
Chapter 4: Ways To Connect
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #6

The Might Of The Fighter

30 Letter-Size Pages

Might is another crucial thing for personal growing. It's your ability to consciously and by choice produce the world around you. When your might is un-forceful, you can't effectively fulfill your needs and wants, and you get to be a victim of your surroundings. When your might is secure, you successfully cultivate a life of your own selecting, and your surroundings reflects it.

This book will provide insight to might.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Being Responsible
Chapter 2: Want and Being Determined
Chapter 3: Concentrate
Chapter 4: Trying and Discipline
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #7

Overcoming Resistances

25 Letter-Size Pages

Numerous roadblocks condition you to weaken yourself, either by denying your might or by trying to give it away. As you become aware of these roadblocks, you'll learn to encompass your might and utilize it wisely. Regardless how weak you might have been in the past, your true might is still waiting for you to come and lay claim to it.

This book will provide insight into overcoming resistance.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Being A Scardey Cat
Chapter 2: Negativity
Chapter 3: Beginning Steps To Master Might
Chapter 4: More Tips To Master Might
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #8


27 Letter-Size Pages

Unity is recognizing you're already connected. Unity has no particular target; it's a multidirectional feeling of connection to everybody and everything at one time. Unity is perfect unconditional love.

This book will provide insight to unity.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Understanding and Consideration
Chapter 2: Truthfulness and Being Fair
Chapter 3: Contributing
Chapter 4: Wholeness
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #9

Achieving Oneness Through Unison

27 Letter-Size Pages

In order to really master unity, both the mental and the emotional sides have to be integrated. You have to realize the truth of unity, as well as feel your loving connection to other people.

This book will provide insight to oneness.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Unity Domain
Chapter 2: Nature and Contact
Chapter 3: Mirror Drill
Chapter 4: Great Character Traits
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #10

Taking Command

30 Letter-Size Pages

Command is the thing derived from reality and might. Reality without might achieves nothing. Might without reality renders wasted action. The idea of taking command teaches you to purposefully blend knowledge and actions to develop levelheaded results.

This book will provide insight to command.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Understanding and Consideration
Chapter 2: Truthfulness and Being Fair
Chapter 3: Contributing
Chapter 4: Wholeness
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #11

Harnessing Your True Authority In Life

35 Letter-Size Pages

As taking command is reality plus might, your alignment with taking command will by nature improve as you line up with those principles, so the drills from the reality and might books will be of value here as well?

This book will provide insight to authority.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Mastermind Little Uprisings
Chapter 2: Doing Triage
Chapter 3: Experimentation
Chapter 4: Commanding Body
Chapter 5: Commanding Mind
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #12

The Might Of The Brave

32 Letter-Size Pages

Bravery is the thing that combines affection and might. The might factor is perhaps the more obvious of the two. If we consider bravery, we think of somebody taking bold face actions, and action is a reflection of might. All the same, the affection component of bravery is equally significant.

This book will provide insight to bravery.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Basics
Chapter 2: Having Heart
Chapter 3: Enterprising
Chapter 4: Being Direct
Chapter 5: Respect
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #13

Accomplishing Your True Calling

30 Letter-Size Pages

Much like the other things, bravery develops with habitué exercise and wastes away from deficiency of use. Here are numerous drills to help you build up your bravery and return practical outcomes at the same time.

This book will provide insight to passion.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Heart and Soul Query
Chapter 2: Preparation
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Commit Beforehand
Chapter 5: What Bravery Does For You
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #14

Aptitudes And Attitudes

36 Letter-Size Pages

When reality, affection, and might are harmoniously lined up, they produce the predominate idea in personal development: being intelligent. This encapsulates each theme discussed so far into one merged whole. Once we comprehend the beautiful uniting of reality, affection, and might, we intuitively realize intelligence.

This book will provide insight to aptitude.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Basics
Chapter 2: Genuineness
Chapter 3: Originative Expression
Chapter 4: Development
Chapter 5: Flux
Chapter 6: Amazing
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #15

Unlimited Potential

 28 Letter-Size Pages

Smart behavior results from an incorporated process of the way you see things, thought, and activity. For behavior to be smart, every part of this procedure has to be lined up with reality, affection, and might. And in order to act intelligently, you have to first understand that you're smart as this quality is self-aware.

This book will provide insight to potential.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Assessing Self
Chapter 2: Development Blitzing
Chapter 3: Fresh Activities
Chapter 4: Living Your Potential
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #16

Positive Habit Attraction Models

31 Letter-Size Pages

In any instant, you've the freedom to consciously choose how you wish to spend your time. You are able to focus yourself in the here and now, stay totally aware of everything you do, and make really calculated movements.

This book will provide insight to positive habits.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Basics
Chapter 2: Habits and Affection
Chapter 3: Habits and Might and Unity
Chapter 4: Habits and Bravery and Being Intelligent
Chapter 5: Some Great Habits To Foster
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #17

Discarding Negative Habits

31 Letter-Size Pages

"I ought to change, but I've attempted and failed." Does this seem familiar? Frequently, altering habits does seem insurmountable. A lot of us merely don't have enough motivation to alter our habits - all of our foul habits - in a way that would really affect our life. We hold them tight as we view them as rewards. But your habits determine your life.

This book will provide insight to positive changes.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Take 30
Chapter 2: 30 Day Test Tips
Chapter 3: Take It In Steps
Chapter 4: Habits and Unity
Chapter 5: Some Great Habits To Start
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #18

Occupation And Career Blitzing

29 Letter-Size Pages

Think of your occupation as your main outlet for originative expression. Your occupation might take the form of a revenue generating career you execute or a business you handle, but it doesn't have to.

This book will provide insight to focus.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: About Your Occupation
Chapter 2: Occupation Reality and Affection
Chapter 3: Career and Might
Chapter 4: Career and Bravery
Chapter 5: Career and Being Intelligent
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #19

The Self Assessment Test

37 Letter-Size Pages

Self-assessment is the procedure of "understanding yourself." It calls for taking an inventory of your wishes, dislikes, personal characteristics, values, likes, and needs. It's the first part of the occupation management process.

This book will provide insight to what you're good at.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: What’s Included
Chapter 2: Personality Types
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 4: Reading The Test
Chapter 5: Types Of Tests
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources

LOA - Book #20

Money Management Methods

31 Letter-Size Pages

It's undeniable that money plays a crucial role in our lives; however what precisely is that role? Is money an adverse distraction, or may it really help us live more consciously? Is it better to give or to get?

This book will provide insight to managing money.


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: How We See Money
Chapter 2: Money and Reality
Chapter 3: Money and Affection
Chapter 4: Money Might and Unity
Chapter 5: Money Bravery and Being Intelligent
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources


Make Full Use Of This Knowledge And Get A Real Look At Law Of Attraction: A 20 Volume E-course!

Let’s face it…Feed your ambitions not your concerns. Feed your successes not your failures. Your ideas, beliefs and the focus with which you utilize them are directional. They're heading somewhere. If they feel good, so will be your destination.

That is why is it very important for you to realize the value of what I’m offering.

The price I’m charging for this book is minimal when you consider the fact that you can use just one of these strategies to make your money back 10-15 times over.

Remember that if you fail to take action today, things will not get better… at least not immediately.

So make sure you take action and get a copy of this book right away!

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Grab Your Copy For Only…

To Your Success!

Warm Regards,
<Marty Bostick>

P.S. Remember, for this low price, you can immediately make 10-15 times the sum of your investment… so don’t hesitate and grab a copy right away!

P.P.S Your situation might not improve tomorrow if you don’t take a plunge. Which is worse? Telling people that you failed to discover the easy ways to raise your awareness  and find success or save the embarrassment and take a couple of days/weeks to learn the truth behind being the best you can be?



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