*Convert Your Cold Email List into Active Buyers... By Simply Handing Out FREE Digital Gifts!*

Do You Struggle to Get Your Subscribers Attention?... Now You Can Hand Out FREE Gift Emails with Give-Away Reports to Instantly Boost Your Open Rates, Clicks and Sales!

Finally Get Your Hands on 50 57 'Downloadable Presents'... Hand Out FREE Gifts Often, Increase Opens and Click-Rates, and Pre-Sell ANY Marketing Product and Make Sales Effortlessly in the Process!... Just Swipe and Send! That's It!

Note: These are the same 'free gifts' that we hand out to our readers on a regular basis, now they're yours to send and profit!

Click Here to Download Your Free Gift Swipe Emails


Are your subscribers NOT clicking your emails?... Is your response rate LOW?... Do you seem to get more unsubscribes than sales? Have you got way too many people on your list... and not enough people actually DOING anything?...

...Maybe you feel discouraged and you've thought "even if I do send out an email it's not going to lead to a sale..." ...or "what's the point in sending out an email anyway?"...

It you can relate to ANY of this... and are looking for a quick and easy way to solve this problem... Then you're on the right page.

Here's the thing... as cliche as is sounds email marketing is as much as an art as it is a science. Because if it was as simple as 'do this... then do that'... then EVERYONE would be making a fortune from their list... and that's simply not the case.

Yes there are things that you MUST have in place... things like a squeeze page, or landing page, a free gift of some sort, an opt-in form, a series of welcome emails and so on...

But the fact is many marketers are too distracted... too discouraged... and too un-focused to put a basic list-building system together.

And if you're one of the few that has a squeeze page, report and follow-up emails... there's still the question of "what emails should I continue to send them?"... and "how on earth do you get my subscribers to like me and buy?"...


Here's the Reality... in the World of Email Marketing... Attention, Trust and CLICKS are the Name of the Game!...

...not to mention CONSISTENCY over a period of time is what will make or break your email marketing results...

Note: Here's a screenshot of one of our Aweber accounts. Notice the significant increase in clicks of 50%-100% or more whenever we hand out a free gift. Even with a small list of 2,500 subscribers you can still generate enough traffic and make sales.


Let me break it down for you...

You need to be able to grab the ATTENTION of your readers because you're not the only marketer in their inbox with a product to sell. Your readers are most likely subscribed to dozens of other newsletters... so it makes sense to stand out and get their attention with an attractive subject line. That's your 'opens' addressed.

Next you need to give them a compelling reason to CLICK the link in your email. This can be for any number of reasons... a new exiciting product launch... scarcity of an item... a free video to watch... and even free downloadable content (which we'll get onto in a bit). That's your 'click' sorted.

Next you need to promise what you deliver to build TRUST with your readers. Your subject line and email message must be congruent with the website, media or piece of content you deliver. If you're giving away free training videos, then give it. If you've offering a bonus package for an affiliate promotion, then deliver it. If you're giving away free a report, then give it and deliver the value. Only then can you build trust.

Sidenote: You've seen those YouTube videos with misleading titles and false video thumbnails just to get more views... you click the video and then you don't get the content promised. The uploader has broken trust with the viewer and the video gets more 'thumbs down' than 'thumbs up'. This is a fine example of clickbait done wrong and breaks trust with your audience within seconds. Bottom line: just don't do it.

Next you need to demonstrate integrity and CONSISTENCY with your readers. If you can grab attention, get the clicks, and deliver the value on a regular basis and build trust, you've now demonstrated consistency. Why is this important?... Well consistency means you're not here today and gone tomorrow. It means your readers KNOW they are going to get tremendous value from your paid products. It means every subscriber is worth more to you. It also means that if you have a high-ticket product or service (like a $1,000+ coaching program), you're far more likely to make sales because you've made your presence known.

Somthing else worth noting... Now some experts will tell you that 'who the email is from' is more important than the subject line. However I would argue that the subject line is MORE important because new subscribers don't know (and don't care) who you are and are only on your email list to get information. So the subject line MUST absolutely pique their interest to get your emails opened and read. Then over time, will they associate your name with value and will pay attention to who the email is from.


Jeez David... It Sounds Like a Lot of Work...

Agreed. Writing exciting email messages with catchy subject lines that hand out free content, that in turn deliver useful information and advice is a lot of hard work. There's NO way to sugar coat it...

...And then repeating that process at least 50 TIMES over so you can deliver one gift every week for an entire year will REALLY test your committment to your online business to say the least...

But here's the good news! You're about to learn how you can SKIP THE HARD WORK and AUTOMATE the entire process...

You may have heard a great deal about autoresponders and maybe you're wondering why they are so important and why you need them...

Well the answer is simple. They are the best way to automate the all important relationship-building side of things and they will make sales for you... whilst you're busy getting new subscribers.

When you have an autoresponder preloaded with messages that are scheduled to go out to your subscribers over the next weeks, months or year you can sit back knowing that you'll keep in contact with your readers over a period of time. Your autoresponder is one of the most important piece of kit in your online business because it enables you to GROW and EARN MORE while you nurture and develop your best asset online - your email list!

...So it only makes sense that you should invest a lot of your time NURTURING your list... Right? However that's easier said than done and if it was THAT easy... why isn't everyone succeeding?


The Reality is Most Marketers DON'T Have the Time, Skills or Patience to Pull this Off...

You see what many don't realize is that you simply CANNOT afford to do EVERYTHING yourself.

And by "afford" I mean in the sense of time as well as money. It takes way too long to write an 50-part email campaign from scratch and it can be very costly, not to mention risky to have someone else do it for you especially if you pay $20 per email and $150-$300 per report!

So what's the solution?... Simple - you grab the finalized work that someone else has paid for, worked on and polished, and use it to your advantage!

That's the power of done-for-you content. It requires little input and minimal effort on your part, but when put to use can literally make the difference between a marketer working 12+ hours a day for pocket change and a marketer that makes sales consistently day after day.

Right now we're giving you the chance to skip the hard work, skip the development costs and LEVERAGE what we've done to give your email list the jump-start it needs!


FREE Gift Emails is the Answer

Use Our Swipe Emails to Effortlessly Increase Your Sales, Commissions... and Even AUTOMATE the Entire 'Relationship-Building' Process...

...WITHOUT Having to Manually Write 10-30 Page Reports, Write Lengthy Email Messages or Come up With Exciting Subject Lines! Just Copy, Paste, Send and It's Done!

Free Gift Emails is your secret weapon to provide QUALITY content to your readers, get them in your 'good books' and position yourself as a trusted authority in the internet marketing niche to make the sales process easier than ever!...

Whether you want to establish yourself as the expert fast, build trust with your readers, pre-sell them on ideas and products, boost your EPCs (earnings per click), increase the longevity and responsiveness of your email list... in a copy and paste manner without having to write a single world yourself... then Free Gift Emails is just what you need!


Now you could spend hours writing pages and pages of content...You could spend days on end researching what to write about....You could even hire a full-time writer to do everything for you....

But let's be REALISTIC... you DON'T like writing unless you really have to, you DON'T have the time to research, and you certainly DON'T have the cash-flow to hire someone full-time....

You care more about making the sale than taking the long 'proper' route... and if there was a quicker way to get your readers super responsive and hot... I mean REALLY excited for your offers and recommendations then you would jump on it right away... wouldn't you?

Luckily for YOU there is a much FASTER and easier way!...


With Free Gift Emails You Now Get 50 57 Downloadable Give-Away Marketing Reports Packed with Super-Responsive Emails...

...that are Guaranteed to Increase Your Open Rates, Email Clicks and Sales
in NO Time!


Ever wanted to give more free content to your readers and NOT promote product after product like every other marketer?... Well now you can!

We've included 50 57 high quality reports that you can interweave with your 'hard sell' email promotions to increase your email click-thrus, build your expertise and more importantly build trust with your subscribers.

The best part, you DON'T have to know anything about the subject... write a 10-30 page free report... or write an accompanying email to go with it. It's all done for you.


See for Yourself What Exciting FREE Emails and Reports You'll Give Your Readers...

Tip! Why not test the emails for yourself right now? Copy them as they are, send them to your list and watch your clicks shoot up!


Every Report Covers a Variety of Internet Marketing and Personal Developent Topics that Your Readers will Love and Appreciate!...

List Building Process Ways to Build Your List
Ways Boost Your Mental Energy Ways to Increase Product Sales
6-Figure List-Builidng Strategies Done for You Email Subject Lines
7-Figure Copywriter Manual Done for You Lead Magnet Ideas
Set and Forget Ways to Make Money Ways to Increase Resell Rights Sales
Step-by-Step Sales Funnel Process Timeless Success Principals
Grow Your Business with a Sales Funnel Top Inspiring Quotes
Convince Customers to Buy Your Backend Products Attraction Secrets to Magnetize Customers
Write Blog Posts in 10 Minutes or Less Being Self-Disciplined
PLR Profit Mistakes Blogging Profit Machine
Write Blog Posts that Get Clicks and Sell Boosting Productivity
How to Create Your InfoProducts Faster Communication Made Simple
How to Increase Your Product Sales and Services Content Marketing Formula
Get More Traffic and Sales with Emails Copywriting Starters
Tips to Make Money Online Facebook Marketing Unleashed
How to Repurpose Your Article Content Firesale Checklist for Cash on Demand
Quick Niche Profit Cheat Sheet Get Started with Webinars
Quick Easy Conversion Tweaks Goal Accomplishment Formula
Tricks to Write Attractive Content How to Write a Mini Sales Letter
Fast Content Creation Internet Marketing Transformation
Tips to Boost Productivity Instagram Profit Magnet
6-Figurer Copywriting Formula Internet Marketing Secrets
6-Figure Marketing Manual JV Marketing
6-Figure Reports Blueprint Landing Page Formula
Super Affiliate Tactics Leveraging Google Analytics
Mastering Self Confidence Sharpening Your Brain
Mind and Motivation The 7-Figure Brain
Overcoming Procrastination Timeless Wealth Systems
Remodel Your Destiny Video Marketing Mastery


There's a Myriad of Untapped Profit Potential at Your Fingertips when You Have a Vault of FREE Swipe Emails Ready to Use...

With this package you get...

50+ Formatted emails for fast use and maximum COMPATIBILITY and DELIVERABILITY - Your emails are already conveniently formatted to 40 characters width and will look good on all screens including desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones and everything in between. They're also unbranded and designed to work with any autoresponder software on the marketplace right now. What does this mean for you?... Less work, less hassle and more time connecting with your readers and making sales.

Professionally written, EXCITING emails that get ATTENTION and CLICKS - It's NOT enough to write a half-hearted email and say 'here... download this...' Unfortunately you still have the 'sell' the gift and motivate your subscribers to read it. This process adds value to the gift and more importantly makes your readers treat your gift like gold, so when you have something to sell, they'll take you seriously and will be more inclined to buy. Every email subject line has been tried and tested and proven to get the highest CTR in the industry. Now they're yours to copy and paste!

50+ PREMIUM 10-30 page reports with 100% give-away rights - Quality products, including eBooks and reports are usually created with the intention of making a sale. With your reports you'll be able to give away tremendously valuable and practical information that your subscribers need for free. By giving away content on a regular basis, you prepare your subscribers for transactions. This is a refreshing change from every other seller that's bombarding their inbox desperately trying to make a sale.

Exciting EVERGREEN reports on sought-after topics - These include topics like affiliate marketing, list building, product creation, email marketing, sales funnels, traffic generation, blogging, content creation, social media, copywriting, joint ventures and networking, mindset and personal development, success principles, productivity, and much more! Every report is designed to be timeless, so you can hand these out to new leads 1, 2, 5 even 10 years from now and they'll still be relevant!

Conveniently HOSTED ONLINE for you to deliver immediately - No need to upload your reports and update every single URL in your emails. Everything is up and running online ready for you to send out. Less time setting up, means more time profiting. Want to download them for safe keeps?... Not a problem. Load the link in any browser, allow it to open with Adobe Acrobat Reader and download directly to your computer as a backup.

Can be used to promote ANY internet marketing product and other opportunities - Because your Free Gift Emails and reports cover a wide variety of topics, you can use them to 'soft sell' ANY internet marketing, work from home, or make money online products you can think of. This includes products you sell right now, services you currently offer, affiliate offers, future product releases, online stores, CPA, CPL programs offers and much more! Simple edit the 'P.S.' section in each email and you can nudge your readers to open your emails and click your links.

Can be used as 'content filler' for short 7-day or unfinished autoresponder campaigns - Ever attempted to build your own list building system from scratch?... You know the drill... create a free report, create a squeeze page, setup a special offer, and follow-up with your leads. Well here's a question... what do you do with those leads after they've signed up and gone through all your follow-up emails?... In most cases nothing happens and your leads get old and cold. With Free Gift Emails you can add give-aways to your campaign immediately to get their attention immediately and keep your customers in the buying mood for longer!

Can be used as 'un-advertised customer bonuses' to reduce refund rates - Getting someone on your email list is easy, but getting them to buy from you is the hard part. Once you've made a sale you want to ensure your customer is happy and getting way more value than what they paid for. You can treat this package as a paid bonus for customers and deliver them in your customer email campaign. Simply reword 'Free Download' into 'Customer Only Bonus...' or TITLE.. 'for customers only'. This way not only do you reduce refund rates but you increase the chances of the next sale!

Can be used to send traffic to your blog or YouTube video to generate more Adsense revenue - Here's something you might not have thought of... If you've uploaded a YouTube video and want to increase your view count, generate more subscribers, likes, shares and even Adsense revenue then leave a small 'P.S.' in your swipe emails to promote your video directly... Take it a step further and embed your video on your blog, add a transcription below the video and add Adsense ads to your sidebar. Now you're nurturing your leads, generating revenue from multiple sources and increasing your social signals whilst handing out free gifts. Could it get any better?


Here are REAL World Scenarios of When Your Free Gift Emails Will Come in Handy...

...Haven't talked to your list for a few weeks or months and need to know how many are still active?... Send out a gift immediately to see how many people are still opening your emails and clicking links. This will show you if it's worth promoting offers to your leads, or if it's time to get more traffic.

...Want to clean your autoresponder account and keep costs down?... Send out a few gifts over a week, and anyone that hasn't opened a single email is most likely not interested, their email account is no longer in use, or you're buried deep in their spam folder. In which case you can now safely delete these people from your list and save money on autoresponder fees. A quick clean up like this can remove 1000s of leads from your list, place you in a different pricing tier and save you over $100 a month in autoresponder fees. This alone is worth the cost of this package!

...Are you transferring leads from one autoresponder account to another, or migrating leads to another piece of email software?... Why not save your list of active clicks and move those people only. Streamline your business, save yourself the stress and hassle of backing up 1000s of old leads and deal only with people that want hear from you.

...Are you buying solo ads from a new vendor and want to know for sure if they're selling you REAL traffic?... Then add 2-3 Free Gift Emails into your autoresponder sequence and buy 100 clicks from the solo ad provider. If 25%+ of those visitors signup, that's fine. If they confirm their subscription or register a member account, great. But if NO ONE clicks your follow-up emails over the next 3 days, then you know you've got artificial 'robot' traffic. A normal human will open your follow up emails just out of curiousity. However 'robot' traffic is designed to register accounts with false names and emails and click confirmation links and do not open follow-up emails... Just so you know!

...Do you run out of things to 'say' to your list in-between product launches and affiliate promotions?... No worries, just schedule a few free gifts a few days apart and when your next product is ready to launch, your readers will be engaged and ready for the next big thing! No more quiet periods between email promotions.

...Have you reach the limits of your I.M. knowledge and want to maintain your 'expert status' for longer?... Just send out a Free Gift Email once a week and you'll still be seen as an expert for an entire year. You can have the emails lined up in your autoresponder AND send out the latest promotions on top of it to get the best of both worlds.

...Do you have only a handful of email autoresponders in your campaign that your subscribers reach the end of very quickly?... Instead of spending hours upon hours writing more emails, just add the Free Gift Emails into your campaign and you'll keep your subscribers entertained for many months to come. Free Gift Emails ensures you keep the money flowing whilst you work on other areas of your business!

...Are you just feeling tired, or lazy and can't be bothered to write another email?... Then just swipe any one of these emails and you'll be doing your list a massive favour, which will eventually lead to more sales.


NO Need to Spend Hours Writing from Scratch or Think of Creative Gifts to Give Away... It's Literally 100% Done for You!

Just think of the amount of time and money you save when you have the Free Gift Emails by your side...

NO need to spend hours writing your own reports or paying ghostwriters $300+ for a short report (just for ONE)... it's all done for you.

NO need to spend hours researching a subject you may or may not know little about... it's all done for you.

NO need to writing interesting intros or summarize the contents of your report in your emails to make them click... it's all done for you.

NO need to write interesting segways that lead to a promotion of your product or affiliate offer... it's all done for you.

NO need to upload, host, check and test download links to your reports... it's all done for you ready to use immediately!


It's NEVER Too Late to Profit from Your List!... Even if They're NOT Reading Your Emails Right Now!

Note: This is a screenshot of our back-end admin area displaying some of our customers user accounts. Many customers will buy multiple products over time and spend in excess of $1,000. If you treat your customers well and deliver the value, they in return will look after you.


If you knew that each subscriber will potentially spend $1000+ with you over the span of a year... what would you do differently right now?

Do you think it would be a wise idea to ensure they're happy?... Do you think it would be a good idea to use all the automation tools and done for you content possible to ensure you're delivering value to them?... You bet!

Free Gift Emails is more than just a bunch of emails that hand out PDF files... way more... What you're investing in is done for you AUTOMATED INTERACTIONS that PREPARE your subscribers to buy your products and affiliate recommendations.

Here's the thing...

Yes you can develop amazing products... Yes you can pick the highest converting affiliate offers and swipe their pre-written emails... Yes you can spend thousands on the perfect sales video and sales letter... And yes you will make sales here and there... But the underlying factor that you need to consider is... "Does your subscriber like you and trust you?..."

If yes, they'll buy from you, even if your product is 80% complete. If no, you'll have a hard time making sales and keeping them coming in... Free Gift Emails is the 'invisible' sales force you need, and didn't realize you needed to take your email marketing to the next level!

Order your copy now, download the package, send them out immediately to see the spike in clicks, and start adding them to autoresponder. It really couldn't be easier. 99% of the work has been upfront, all that's left is for you to take the 1% action.

The fact is it's going to cost you way more to put something like this together yourself and even if you did attempt to, you'll realize you would have been way better off using these emails to get the sales in from day one... so that it pays for itself!

You're getting access to the exact content we needed years ago but had to create ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll add this package to your account immediately.

Secure Your Order Now and Hand Out 50 57 Email Gifts with Expertly-Written Reports to Grab Attention, Boost Email Clicks and Sales!

Finally Get Your Hands on 50 57 Downloadable 'Presents'... Hand Out FREE Gifts Often, Increase Opens and Click-Rates, Pre-Sell ANY Marketing Product and Make Sales Effortlessly in the Process!... Just Swipe and Send! That's It!

Note: These are the same 'free gifts' that we hand out to our readers on a regular basis, now they're yours to send and profit!

Normal Price $37
Special Discount Applied! Your Price...

$17.00 $9.97


"As usual, you've over delivered again!... Will give me lots of quality products to promote to my list!"

As usual, you've over delivered again. Thanks, it's a great bundle for the cost, and will give me lots of quality products to promote to my list. Many of the products relate to my website and finding reports to promote in this niche are hard to find. Now I have a great collection of items to sell and upsell. - John Witherspoon

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I am so impressed by and thankful for the PLR motivation package. Talk about overdelivering! I was skeptical at first about the cost, but when I saw the value in the package I was overwhelmed. As a long time Motivational speaker and youth advocate, this was EVERYTHING I needed to take my inspirational mission out to the web universe. Thanks so much again. I would recommend this to everyone whowants a true business in a box. Content, Ebooks, graphics, the full monty! You guys Rock! - Tom Staton

"It's really amazing! All my collegues are shocked, because his designs can sell a lot of copies!"

Hi, my name is Dan Kidd and I'm working as russian infobusinessman. I work in graphics niche and all David Danker works inspire me. I try to buy all his PLR products to get PSDs to use them in my business. I don't have any words, but is's really amazing! All my collegues are shocked, because his designs can sell a lot of copies. Thanks to you! - Dan Kidd www.RaiseYourProfit.com

"WOW! So much PLR & so little time!... You always provide good value for money and this is NO exception!"

The products are grouped into 'read-to-go' packages which makes this really easy for customers to pick and mix - no matter what aspect of Self-Development that they want to read about and learn from. Thanks David - you always provide good value for money and this is no exception. The bonus items are also very useful. - Colin Imeson (CIS Marketing Group & Oakleaf Publishers)

"Great customer service and first class products!... I can create great products from this... Turn into unique quality products!"

Just the stuff I needed for my change your life site, great customer service and first class products. I can create great products from this material to sell on my self improvement site. Like all PLR material it takes a lot of work but the base line is there for me to turn into unique quality products. - Steven Erlick

"The size and range of this package is like few products I have seen before!... I tried to resist buying the package but had to return to the site and buy it!"

The size and range of this package is like few products I have seen before! It covers large areas of the self improvement market. The learning and selling aspects of this package are mind-boggling. I tried to resist buying the package but had to return to the site and buy it. At the very least, go and take a look. - John Watson

"Never seen a collection like this before that wasn't full of crap... One of the FEW Places I go for PLR!"

Hey it is your online brother from another mother. I love your PLR detail and insight to so many categories. Never seen a collection like this before that wasn't full of crap. Pickup your copy and your copy and begin to section off everything by niche and then into the 7 areas of marketing (websites, listbuilding, product creation, sales conversion, affiliate marketing and membership sites) - Darren Monroe

"Content amazes me and blows me away... I instantly get so many ideas on what to do with their unique materials."

For anyone considering buying and using PLR in their business, this is the way to go. They simply go beyond all our expectations overdelivering all the time, taking PLR to the next level, meeting the demands of the web. The reality is simply this ... Over the past couple of years I (and I assume most internet marketers have as well) purchased PLR several times, just to forget about it, letting the package just lay unopened in the computer, gathering digital dust. But with this you can't wait to open their zip files and dive right into their brilliant material filled with high quality content. Time and time again their content amazes me and blows me away. And I instantly get so many ideas on what to do with their unique materials. So if you are interested in increasing your web presence, building a better internet business, etc. Do yourself a favor and find what you're looking for immediately from the Super Sales Machine. I doubt you will be sorry. Internet is today a fast changing arena. And to keep up with the rapid pace, delivering great content for your blogs, businesses etc, you need a easy to use blueprint for success...With this PLR package you will get the ultimate starting point you need. You just have to put it to work with your own imagination and ideas. I definitely encourage every serious online business entrepreneur to check out what they can do for them. Because content is always King on the internet. So... All I can say is such a big thank you. Keep up the good work. All the best. - Bill Carter

"Your PLR package is one of the best investments of the year... and probably beyond! You get an A++ with this one!"

David, I very rarely write testimonials, mainly because it is hard to find real quality products to endorse. Your PLR package is one of the best investments of the year (and probably beyond). I've downloaded and reviewed everything and I'm seriously blown away with this and I think anyone who decides to invest in this will be too. You get an "A++" with this one! - Daniel Cortes

"I have made back my money plus MORE over and over again!... Make sure you keep up with David's releases and you will never look back."

I have been involved in internet marketing for over 12 years now and have purchased many of David's Resell Right Products over the time. Let me tell you, I have made back my money plus more over and over again. All David's products go beyond in being user friendly for the purchaser. Such easy, virtually automated setup! Essential when you want to get it out there and start earning straightaway. I especially love his plugin email sequences. Make sure you keep up with David's releases and you will never look back. - Suzanne Howarth www.BlogAndProfit.com/blog


To Your Success!


David is an established internet marketer with over 15 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Xreme Profit Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can profit from.


Click Here to Download Your Free Gift Swipe Emails